Website Manager

Southgate Little League

Our Board Members

Executive Board of Directors

President - Anthony Rosamond | C: 734.288.8321

Vice President of Baseball - Michael Capozzoli | C: 248.298.9928

Vice President of Softball - James Tuttle | C: 734.552.4093

Secretary - Rachael Rosamond | C: 734.624.4714

Treasurer - Rachael Rosamond | C: 734.536-2901

Safety Officer - Adriene Price 
| C: 734.642.8648

Board of Directors

Player Agent - Baseball | JRs & SRs: Daryl Crain

Player Agent - Baseball | Minors & Majors: Michael Capozzoli

Player Agent - Baseball | Tee Ball, 6u, & Farm: Riyad Awad

Player Agent - Softball: Daryl Crain

Player Agent - Softball - James Tuttle

Player Agent - Softball - Tyler Sirianni

Umpire-In-Chief - ⚠️Volunteer Needed ⚠️

Coaching Coordinator - Riyad Awad

League Information Officer/Technology 
- Rachael Rosamond

Sponsor Fundraising/Events Manager - Rachael Rosamond

Marketing/Public Relations Manager - Rachael Rosamond

Equipment Managers - Jovo Koloski, Rob Koloski, Riyad Awad

Merchandise/Uniform Coordinator - ⚠️Volunteer Needed ⚠️

Player Development
 - Baseball: Riyad Awad & Daryl Crain

Player Development- Softball: James Tuttle

Concession Manager:⚠️Volunteer Needed ⚠️

District 5/League Support
- Daryl Crain & Riyad Awad

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